Brown Trout
Lake Ontario Brown Trout are a prised game fish that are abundant in the lake from April through October. Like most species of fish in Lake Ontario our Brown Trout tend to be on the large size and are aggressive feeders and fighters.
Brown Trout run from 5 pounds all the way up to over 30 pounds in the lake. These Trophy sized fish are coveted by both novice and experienced fishermen alike.
Most fish are taken trolling plugs and planers in deeper waters but at the right time of year you can pick up big Brown Trout in the shallower waters by suspending bait. Typically these fish do not mess around and your reel goes from a steady pull from the trolling gear to feeling like you just got hit by a Mac Truck going in the opposite direction. There is not a more sweet sound than to hear a fishermen;’s reel as you are getting spooled.
There are 400,000 Brown Trout released in the lake each year which represents the 3rd largest release program on Lake Ontario. The record Brown Trout caught on Lake Ontario is just over 33 pounds and was caught in the Oswego NY area.
The trick to catching Brown Trout is to find the warmer water temperatures in the lake. Brown Trout like the water a bit warmer and where you find warm water you will tend to find fish. This means in the early parts of the year fishing shallower waters.

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