King Salmon
King Salmon are the bruits of the Salmon World and are the most prevalent salmon in Lake Ontario. Each year close to 1 million salmon smolt are released into the lake to keep the fishery at its peak numbers.
King Salmon are also known as Chinook Salmon, Black Mouth Salmon and Tyee Salmon. The word Tyee is a native word that refers to a large Chinook salmon typically over 30 pounds.
The King salmon in Lake Ontario grow to over 40 pounds with most in the 20-30 pound range. Their cousins in northern Canada and Alaska can be as big as 100 pounds or more.
King Salmon tend to like deeper waters so we generally troll for these fish using down riggers. When hooked a King will head to the deepest hole and dare you to try to reel them to the surface. If this hole is 50 yards away hang on because nothing is going to stop them from getting there.
King Salmon are excellent eating and very heathy for you. They can be grilled, baked, fried and even smoked.
Catching King Salmon is an art and Captain Greg and Chad have spent thousands of hours chasing these fish around Lake Ontario. Limits on their boats are common place, even when other charters are struggling to catch fish.

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