Lake Ontario Steelhead fishing is one of the most popular fisheries on the lake. These are beautiful fish with a fight that is well above their weight class.
Steelhead were introduced into the Great Lakes about 100 years ago and have since flourished. There are hundreds of thousands of Steelhead in Lake Ontario and they are available almost year round to fish for. They tend to spawn in the Spring of the year in various rivers and tributaries and then return again to the lake a few months later.
The Steelhead we catch in Lake Ontario are generally in the 10-15 pound range with some Trophies in the 20 pound range. Lake Ontarios record Steelhead is 29 pounds and was caught in 1975. With all the fish in the system this record will fall some day.
Steelhead are mainly caught in shallow water and will take lures, bait and flies. Once hooked the fight becomes and epic top water battle all the way to the boat. These fish don’t ever seem to give up and many a hook has been thrown right at the boat.
Steelhead is delicious table fare. It has a delicate meat that can be prepared many different ways. Baked and Grilled are very popular and many people really enjoy smoked.

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