Coho Salmon
Coho Salmon were introduced into Lake Ontario about 40 years ago and since then the species has become a staple of Salmon fishermen throughout the Great Lakes.
The World Record Coho actually came from Lake Ontario in the Oswego NY area and was caught in 1998. If you can imagine it was 33 pounds. This is an amazing record since most Coho are in the 10-15 pound range.
Although not as well known as the Chinook or King salmon for its table fare, it does hold its own and there are many fishermen that prefer eating Coho over Chinook. Coho is not as oily as Chinook salmon and tend to dry out when cooking if you don’t offer some sort of fat replacement when cooking it. Butter, olive oil, mayo, etc all can be used when cooking Coho to replace the oils that cook out of them. Once you get this technique down you too may enjoy Coho as much if not more than Chinook salmon.
Coho tend to be smaller than the Chinook Salmon but they are very fiesta at the end of the line and put on a very good battle. During the spring of the year Coho can be caught close to shore when fishing for Steelhead or Lake Trout.

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